The Blasphemer Series Mythos: Reincarnation

Reincarnation is a beautiful belief of a soul continuing on as another body with another life. Simply a soul carrying on beyond one life after death. The Hindus call this endless cycle the Samsara Cycle. This goes hand-in-hand with karma, which lasts over many lifetimes. BBC UK described it best below:

Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is ‘action’. It refers to the law that every action has an equal reaction either immediately or at some point in the future. Good or virtuous actions, actions in harmony with dharma, will have good reactions or responses and bad actions, actions against dharma, will have the opposite effect.

In Hinduism karma operates not only in this lifetime but across lifetimes: the results of an action might only be experienced after the present life in a new life.

Hindus believe that human beings can create good or bad consequences for their actions and might reap the rewards of action in this life, in a future human rebirth or reap the rewards of action in a heavenly or hell realm in which the self is reborn for a period of time.

This process of reincarnation is called samsara, a continuous cycle in which the soul is reborn over and over again according to the law of action and reaction. At death many Hindus believe the soul is carried by a subtle body into a new physical body which can be a human or non-human form (an animal or divine being). The goal of liberation (moksha) is to make us free from this cycle of action and reaction, and from rebirth.


When I was young and exploring religions to see what suited my personal ethics and beliefs best, I came across Hinduism. The belief of living multiple lives gave me hope and helped strengthen my personality, but for all the benefits I saw, the idea of being ‘stuck’ was frightening. The idea of reincarnation being punishment is only one way to look at this. When I began writing The Blasphemer Series: Maxwell Demon, this concept came back to mind. One of the major character, Adele, is ‘stuck’ in this cycle as punishment for the crimes she committed in her first incarnation as Lilith/Adama, the first woman. When I dwelled upon this deeper, the implications that could come from this only grew and became complicated. Would she remember? Wouldn’t Maxwell, whom never died, ever have looked for her before this last incarnation? So many questions had to be answered, and I did in the book’s pages.

I cover some of her past lives in Maxwell Demon, from that of a solider to even a young child convicted of witchcraft (inspired by a true event). I even began writing a book just about her past lives that has yet to react to a publisher. There is something realistic and saddening about how Maxwell wouldn’t always find her in the entire world or would just too late. This book isn’t just her last life, last chance, but also his to help her.

Cycles are a theme throughout the series. How things or event people come and go cycling through people’s lives as they live them.

This is one of those subjects, reincarnation, I find so interesting. I recommend you doing your own research and reading/watching others telling their stories of this and learn about the different mysterious cases of reincarnation. We can find the cases of reincarnation from all over the globe. Some notable ones are that of Barbro Karlen who claims to be Anne Frank reborn to James Leininger who believed to be a WW2 fighter pilot. One interesting detail here I’d like to add Edgar Cayce, a famed American clairvoyant believed in reincarnation and even once announced he’d be reborn in the year 2020. I’ve reviewed his book The Sleeping Prophet on the site and also here.

The knowledge of rebirth
is the turning point
in the history of mankind.

—Friedrich Nietzsche

You can begin reading the series and check out more information by following the link: Down the rabbit hole

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