AUTUMN TAG – Are You Ready for Sweater Weather?

After the Nanowrimo 20 Questions Tag I became curious about other tags that might be going on I discovered one called The Autumn Tag on many blogs. I wasn’t tagged, but I’ll tag the blogs I found this tag on. Adventures of a Bibliophile, Perfectly Tolerable, Jenniely, and Papereyedgirl are the blogs, make sure you check out their Are You Ready for Sweater Weather posts.

Hot Chocolate–what is your comfort book?

Over the years it changed from a classic like Dracula to a biography and back. So my comfort book is anything that keeps me interested.

Pumpkin Carving–what is your favorite creative outlet?

Anything writing or artistic. I’ve went back and forth on projects in recent years. Blogging, books, and being creative with my son.

Falling Leaves–changes that appear bad but you secretly love?

I wouldn’t say ‘love’ per se, but something I appreciate and that’s all the things good and bad I’ve gone through. With age, I’ve learned to find the lessons in the bad in life. It’s helped me understand and grow.

Pumpkin Spiced Latte–something you love that others judge

I’ve felt judgement for foods and coffee. I’m a pineapple on a pizza type of gal (oh no I’m a monster! lol). I’m also a fan of heavy cream in my coffee and flavored coffees like pumpkin spice, mocha, and anything new that catches my attention. I’ve felt the heat from coffee lovers and joke I’m sinning because I also love hot teas and many types of flavors of that.

Near the end of the year I end up chugging hot chocolate and abandoning coffees and teas for that hands down.

Bonfire Night–what makes you explode with joy?

The mother in me enjoys spending time with my son. Seeing him do good, learning something new on his own, and doing well in school really makes me happy. The writer in me sees joy when a reader has enjoyed something I’ve written.

Fright Night–favorite scary book or film

Interview with the Vampire, the movie and the book, are always on the top if not near the top of my favorites.

Halloween candy–favorite thing to eat

Sour patch kids.

Scarves–your autumn ‘must have’ accessory

Fingerless gloves. They keep my hands warm while working. Fuzzy socks keep the toes from freezing. My long hoodie sweater helps keep me warm. The theme here… staying warm.

Fire–a book or film that burns your soul

What Dreams May Come is a masterpiece to me. This movie is so beautiful and really keeps me thinking of the possibilities of the afterlife. One of my favorite Robin Williams films.

Toffee apples–a book or film that seems one thing but really has a different inside

Life’s That Way by Jim Beaver. I knew briefly what the memoir was about before reading it, but once I got into it I was catching myself laughing here and there. It’s a touching book about a time in his life of dealing with his wife, who got diagnosed with cancer, her death, and life as a single father. I never expected it to be funny along with all the other rollercoaster ride of emotions it became. It’s one of those books I keep recommending to people repeatedly.

I want to challenge James Master to do this tag. It seems he has done nothing like this and I want to see what The Writer’s Apocalypse site can come up with.

2 thoughts on “AUTUMN TAG – Are You Ready for Sweater Weather?

    1. Thank you so much! I didn’t know who all to tag, but saw your site and knew you had to be one of them! ❤ Thanks for taking the time to visit my site, check out my stuff, and even leave a comment how sweet of you. 🙂

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